Measured offers a wide range of features and advantages that make it an ideal solution for educators, administrators, and students alike.


Development of an application suite to support the entire assessment cycle of written examinations.

Ordering Customer

Federal Office of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern
Institute for Medical Education

Team IML

Radan Antic, Andreas Beschorner, Karin Braun, Raphael Breukel, Neil Docherty, Corinne Dreifuss, Florian Goll, Jana Henschel, Patrick Jucker-Kupper, Benjamin König, Rabea Krings, Jeanne Kunz, Roger Meier, Vladimir Pavlyukov, Lukas Rieder, Stephan Schallenberger, Tina Schurter, Priska Steiger, Daniel Stricker, Philippe Zimmermann, Elisabeth Zwahlen

Target group

Educational institutions and organisations that create, administer, run or analyse exams: students, teaching and administrative staff of Higher Education Institutions

Project information

Running time: since 2017


Examic Measured

Philippe zimmermann 2020

Dr. sc. ETH Philippe Zimmermann Head of ASCII Department

+41 31 684 62 06
philippe.zimmermann (at)