Supervision of academic work

Completed Dissertations Human Medicine (PhD/Dr. med)

PhD-Thesis: Ram, Sai (2023).
The Changing Landscape of Medical Conferences: Investigating how future conferences can be designed to better cater to attendees’ needs.
PhD supervisor: Prof. Sören Huwendiek, MME, IML; Co-Betreuer: Prof. Kevin Eva, University of British Columbia, Canada

Medical Dissertation: Lavallée, Anna Lara (2023).
The 4ce of feedback
Supervisor: Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, IML

Medical Dissertation: Berger, Sabine (2023).
Exploring the Impact of EPAs on Feedback Culture: A Qualitative Study
Supervisor: PD Christoph Berendonk, MME, IML

Medical Dissertation: Rubin, Salome (2023).
Entwicklung eines e-Learning-Moduls zur ärztlichen Kommunikation über die Patientenverfügung
Supervisor: Prof. Steffen Eychmüller. Betreuer IML: Dr. Kai P. Schnabel, MME

Medical Dissertation: Cruz Correia, Paula Cristina (2023).
The nuts and bolts of Multimodal Analgesia in the 21st Century: a primer for clinicians
Supervisor: Dr. Friedrich Lersch Inselspital Bern, Co-Betreuerin: PD Joana Berger-Estilita, IML

Medical Dissertation: Borda de Água Reis, Ana Patrícia (2023).
Precision Anaesthesia: Advancing Patient-Centered Precision Care through Repetitive Assessment of PROMs with the Safe Brain Approach
Supervisor: PD Joana Berger-Estilita, IML

Medical Dissertation: Goltz, Katharina (2023).
Simulation in Cardiac Surgery: Current Evidence
Supervisor: PD Joana Berger-Estilita, IML

Medical Dissertation: Leitl-Alder, Jacqueline Johanna (2023).
Welfare practices for anaesthesiology trainees in Europe A descriptive cross-sectional survey study
Supervisor: PD. Joana Berger-Estilita, IML

PhD Projects and PhD Candidates in progress in 2023 

Michel Bosshard
«Improving medical students’ stress response and communication skills performance through stress arousal reappraisal and preparatory worked example-based learning when breaking bad news to simulated patients»

PhD supervisor: PD Christoph Berendonk, MME, IML;
Co-referee: Prof. Achim Elfering, Institute of Psychology, department of work and organisation psychology, University of Bern

Dr. med. Artemisa Gogollari
«Implementing effective digital learning and teaching in higher education beyond the Covid-19 pandemic»

PhD supervisor: Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, IML
Co-referee: Prof. Stefan Schauber, University of Oslo (Norway)

Sharon Mitchell
«Implementing evidence based education to design and implement online and blended learning in Precision Medicine in the context of continuing professional development (CPD)»
PhD supervisor: Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, IML
Co-supervisor: Prof. Idris Guessous, Division and Department of Primary Care Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, Geneva
Co-referee: Professor Janusz Janczukowicz MD, PhD, MMedEd, Medical University of Lodz, Polan

Melanie de la Rosa
«What makes post-graduate medical education programs (CME) at the University-level attractive?»
PhD supervisor: Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, IML
Co-Referee: Prof. Ara Tekian, PhD, MHPE, University of Illinois, Chicago (USA)

PD Roman Hari
«Understanding and Facilitating Near-Peer-Teaching in Ultrasound Education.»

PhD Supervisors: Prof. Diana Dolmans (Maastricht), Prof. Renee Stalmeijer (Maastricht), Prof. Sören Huwendiek, MME, IML

Completed Master Theses

Raphael Oberli (2023)., medicine
Virtuelle Patient:innen zu den Leitsymptomen der Notfallmedizin. Bericht zur Erstellung der Virtuellen Patient:innen.
Main Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Sauter, Inselspital Bern.
Co-Supervisor: Dr. Anja Elisabeth Kery-Candela, Inselspital Bern,
Co-Supervisor (didactics): Prof. Sören Huwendiek, MME, IML

Dr. med. Dr. phil. Neubauer, Florian (2023)., MME
Sharpening the lens to evaluate interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration by improving the conceptual framework: a narrative review
Supervisor: Prof. Sören Huwendiek, MME, IML

Dr. med. Engeler Dusel, Judith (2023)., MME
Designing and validating entrustable professional activities for emergency medicine: a stringent construct-validity enhancing approach
Supervisor: PD Christoph Berendonk, MME, IML

Dr. med. Madlon, Henry (2023)., MME
Vorbereitung des Austrittsgesprächs aus dem Wochenbett mit einem Video: Eine Mixed-Method Studie

Supervisor: Prof. Sören Huwendiek, MME, IML

Dr. med. Fankhauser, Regula (2023)., MME
Training von Clinical Reasoning mit einfachen Lehrmethoden im klinischen Alltag
Supervisor: PD Christoph Bernedonk, MME, IML

Teaching and Education Activities IML

IML academic staff is supporting and actively delivering the development of courses for the medical program as well as the postgraduate medical education program.

Clinical Skills

  • Phlebotomy course, Medicine 1st year, incl. faculty development
  • Clinical skills course (esp. cardiovascular and pediatric), Medicine 3rd year plus > 40 video modules
  • Clinical skills course, Pharmacy 5th year
  • Formative OSCEs, Medicine 3rd & 6th year, Pharmacy 5th year

Communication skills

  • Taking a history and providing feedback, Medicine 1st year, incl. faculty development
  • Communication skills training, Medicine 4th & 6th year, Pharmacy 5th year
  • Lecture on interventions to promote health, Pharmacy 4th year
  • Interprofessional seminar on professional confidentiality (medicine, nursing, nutrition and dietetics, midwifery, physiotherapy)
  • Training of SPs and faculty for the communication trainings


  • Moderating PBL sessions incl. faculty development
  • Faculty development in providing feedback


  • Providing elearning programs for bachelor and master (anatomy, radiology, histology, clinical skills, communication skills) Switzerland and >15
  • Institutions in the German speaking countries
    Supporting the development of Virtual Patients for learning the management of emergency patients (both adult and pediatric) at Bern Medical Faculty

MAS Medical Education program, courses in 2023

  • Qualitative Educational Research
  • Thesis Workshop
  • Thesis and Project Coaching
  •  Evaluation of MME program
  • Master Theses presentations

Summative Assessment running in 2023

  • OSCE, Medicine 3rd & 5th year, Pharmacy 5th year, incl. faculty training for examiners
  • Coordination and analysis responsibilities of the national licensing examination for medicine and delivery of the exam in Bern (both clinical knowledge and clinical skills exams)
  • Coordinating an controlling the SP roleplay for Switzerland and providing moulages and training videos for high standardization
  • Support and analysis for other Swiss national licensing exams (Chiropractic, Dentistry, Veterinary and Pharmacy)
  • Training of raters and SPs for all OSCEs
  • Quality control of the SP roleplay for all OSCEs
  • Supporting the electronic knowledge exams Bern Medical Faculty years 1-5
  • Supporting the oral knowledge exams Bern Medical Faculty year 2

Other teaching and coordination activities

  • CAS Palliative Care (University of Bern): Beate Brem, Kai Schnabel, Sissel Guttormsen
  • Interprofessional rounds teaching at the nursing school in Bern: Kai Schnabel, Daniel Bauer
  • Providing feedback about the ambulant patient visits at the ETH Zurich: Kai Schnabel, Daniel Bauer
  • SIWF Summer School (teach the teacher course): Christoph Berendonk

IML director and head of departments

Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, Director IML (in the centre), Dr. Philippe Zimmermann, Department Head ASCII, Dr. Kai Schnabel, Department Head AUM, Prof. Sören Huwendiek, Department Head AAE; Dr. Sandra Trachsel, Department Head MME (from left to right)