Since the students only very rarely receive feedback on their communication behaviour and they also observe such suboptimal behaviour from their superiors or role models, corresponding patterns are too rarely broken. In this way, corresponding misconduct can be passed on into the further education period (and beyond).


The project «Improving communication skills» aims to sensitise medical students to typical mistakes in patient:in conversations by means of example videos. In these examples, typical mistakes are contrasted with exemplary communication behaviour. The project is intended to give medical students the opportunity to recognise faulty communication behaviour early in their training - and to recognise which alternative forms of behaviour can be important for building a good doctor-patient relationship.


Nick Lüthi, Felix Schmitz, Ulrich Woermann

Project information

Project period: 2021-2024

Nick luethi 2020

Dr. med. et MME Nick Lüthi Team leader of learning media

+41 31 684 62 54
nick.luethi (at)