Young doctors nowadays need to perform simple ultrasound investigations early on in their clinical career and ultrasound education is thus shifting to undergraduate medical education. Performing ultrasound scans is a complex skill with procedural and pattern recognition aspects best taught in small groups with just-in time feedback and verbalisation of cognitive processes. Near-peer teaching is increasingly used by medical schools to alleviate ultrasound teaching responsibility for faculty. Near-peer teaching is defined as an educational strategy in which one student teaches one or more fellow students whereas the teaching student is more advanced in the same curriculum. Little is known about near-peer teaching in the context of ultrasound education.


The overarching aim of this PhD is to investigate how near-peers support fellow students in learning practical ultrasound skills.


PhD student: PD Dr. med. Roman Hari, MME (BIHAM)
PhD Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Sören Huwendiek, MME (IML)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Diana Dolmans (Maastricht)
Daily supervisor: Ass. Prof. Dr. phil. Rene Stalmijer (Maastricht)


BIHAM, School of Health Profession Education Maastricht

Project information

Running time: 2020 – 2024


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